as a flock of goats

by Liana Quill

AS A FLOCK OF GOATS, a collection of poems in miniature, negotiates the strange terrains of promise, space, longing, and origins. Using just a few painterly strokes, Quill culls images from the bank of mythological memory and arranges them in breathtaking compositions to an elusive, haunting effect. A pioneering force in poetry, Quill folds the slightest physical impressions to refract vatic proportions.


Liana Quill’s first book, Fifty Poems, was chosen for the 2010 Mississippi Review Poetry Prize. Her poems have appeared in 1913: a journal of formsjubilatblackbird, and elsewhere. A native Virginian, she received her MFA from the University of Massachusetts Amherst. She currently lives and works in the Pioneer Valley.